Facebook seems to have a better algorithm than YouTube when suggesting video to watch. But Facebook is way too buggy (or that my privacy settings causes it). Hmm…

After catching up with presbyopia, 4K or not, all screen look the same.

Large corporates need to stop making app just for app. I know it’s hippie to have an app, but not all app are app, don’t jump into the bandwagon just because people are talking about app.

I think EV market is about to slow down a little bit. I mean they hit the plateau already, every EV basically the same, beside battery. Yes, until there is a revolutionary step on battery, majority EV are the same. You know, laptop and desktop dilemma.

I’ve seen a lot of nice fur kid in a very dirty smelly house. The bitch that brough to mall too, has a very dirty fur kid, so no, she is not exactly a fur kid lover.

Using Google Public DNS causing access issue on bing.com and overall system update issue, just saying… Updated to CloudFlare instead.